Our Video shoot for Like Water
We know, we know...
summer is officially over :( But... let's relive a little of that summertime vibe with 4 more minutes of summer!! We recently released our beach themed video for our second single Like Water - a tragically upbeat pop-rock song about finding love and diving in.
Constantly chasing time and light, we got to watch the sun sink into the ocean, and feel like we were sinking right in with it. In three separate, colorful evenings we shot the footage.. No real plan, just a Samsung, a guitar and the most beautiful setting on our beachy little island. Over a 72 hour binge-editing weekend, the two of us sat in front of the computer, drank pots of coffee, (there may have been wine) and pieced together our vision with the footage we had. So... here's a little photo shoot, and a video! Ta-dah!!